Town criers descend on Bognor Regis for national competition

Bognor Regis played host to a national town crier competition on Saturday (June 18), as town criers from all over the UK and beyond descended on the town.

The competition was hosted by the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers and Bognor’s own crier, Jane Smith, served as host.

Participants were judged on the accuracy of their cries, alongside their diction, their inflection, volume and clarity. Prizes were also awarded for ‘best dressed crier’ and ‘best dressed couple’.

"There was a brilliant atmosphere, everyone really enjoyed themselves,” Mrs Smith said.

"It was nice to dovetail with Armed Forces Day, as well. Some of the criers are ex-servicepeople, so it was kind of poignant to be able to do that.”

Criers came, bells ringing, from all over the country to compete, with one competitor flying in from Canada to put his shout to the test.

But it was John Collingwood, from Bridport in Dorset, who came out on top, winning the overall prize, as well as the prize for best content.

Awards were presented to all winners by the town mayor and mayoress Cllr John Barrett and Carole Brett.

“The Town Criers, without exception, were thrilled by the venue and the wonderful hospitality along with the Town Council’s superb organisation. I would like to give thanks to our wonderful judges for giving their time and to all our generous sponsors. All in all - a fantastic weekend!” Mrs Smith added.

See below for all our best photos.

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