Meeting times mean people can not give their views

Your letters to the newspaper SUS-181214-104016001Your letters to the newspaper SUS-181214-104016001
Your letters to the newspaper SUS-181214-104016001
Yet again I am extremely angry about the proposed meeting on Wednesday at the Fishbourne Centre from 1pm-6pm. Does anyone organising this actually understand that many people work and commute so will not be here between those hours?

The fate of Fishbourne is in the balance and threatened by those who should be doing the opposite, and we cannot go to the meeting.

The same thing happened when there was a meeting in Chichester last year, so I can only assume that these hours are programmed to allow the smallest number of people possible to attend so that when the destruction of the countryside takes place, ‘they’ can say that not many people turned up to the meeting.

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This is insulting to say the least and is taking us for fools, which we are not. We are council-tax paying residents and deserve some respect

To add a point of view – the only place to build in Fishbourne without completely wrecking it is to continue along Clay Lane as this has already started with a vengeance anyway.

There is also what looks like scrub land on the Fishbourne roundabout just before the Fishbourne turn-off.

The ruination of the countryside and the covering of good arable land with concrete is a national disgrace and this area has given up more than its fair share of land already. There won’t be a blade of grass left along the 259 if ‘they’ have their way.

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A nature corridor along Clay Lane would be a joke given the amount of building there and yet Bethwines, which is a working farm and creates the Fishbourne/Bosham gap, has deer, pheasants and bats galore. How do ‘they’ propose to inform the wildlife that Clay Lane is their territory now?

Those in charge need to realise that they are here but for a time, as are we all, and that their duty, as elected councillors, is to care for their part of the country and leave a wonderful, sustainable legacy for the next generations which will include their own descendants.

Nobody actually owns the land, it was here long before us, so we should respect this wonderful planet and think long and hard before we give ourselves permission to destroy what gives us life.

Bridget Stap, Godwin Way, Fishbourne